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Dual Language Immersion

Baldy View’s Dual Immersion Academy is a unique and enriching program that promotes bilingualism and biliteracy in English and Spanish. Students benefit from the same rigorous, standards-based instruction as students in English only classes to achieve bilingual and bi-literate proficiency, and multicultural competency, preparing them for a global society.


What is Dual Language Immersion?

Instructional Program

  • Core content is taught in both languages

  • Spanish version of district-adopted curriculum

  • Grade-level Common Core State Standards 

  • Teachers are highly trained and receive continuous professional development

  • 25 students (balance of Spanish/English speaking)

  • Dominant Spanish speakers will develop literacy in their first language, and maintain that first language while becoming fluent in English

  • Dominant English speakers will have the opportunity to become fluent in Spanish


